One evening early in the summer Lucia asked, “Mom, if you could have any super power what would it be?” After some thought, I decided that I would wish for the ability to make time stand still. The reason being, Diego is in such a good place right now both emotionally and physically. I feel he is in the “safe zone”. This is a place where I don’t find myself on constant alert. Instead, it is a place where I can find great comfort and peace. I would simply like to stay and relish in it for awhile. It’s kind of like sitting on the back porch rocking as the world passes you by, yet you don’t really seem to care.
Back porch rocking is one of my favorite past times that I haven’t been able to enjoy in quite some time. I can’t seem to quiet my mind long enough to let the world pass me by. Instead, I find myself trying to prepare for the next obstacle in the road, ready to swerve.
Logically, I know that the next obstacle to conquer is the double switch surgery. I believe that it is the next right step in Diego’s heart journey. The PA band has strengthened his left ventricle which means that it should be capable of sustaining the new pressures that will be placed on it with the anatomical repair. However, I have educated myself enough to know there are no guarantees. To a certain degree, we are taking a leap of faith. So for now, I’ll take Lucia’s lead and pretend that I can make this moment in our life stand still and do some back porch rocking.