9:00am Diego is asleep
10:00am Incision has been made
11:30am Diego is on the heart bypass machine
1:00pm The half way point of the Double Switch repair
2:45pm They are starting to bring his body temperature back up in
order to bring him off the bypass machine.
3:15 Diego is off the heart bypass machine
3:45 Dr. del Nido
spoke with us. Diego did great. Del Nido completed the double switch, closed
the VSD, and did some repairs to the tricuspid valve. The only problem (which is typical in older
double switch patients) was the pulmonary valve had become significantly
enlarged from the PA band. Del Nido took
a significant amount of tissue out of the pulmonary valve in hopes of
preventing further problems later on down the road. He did not detect any heart block. He said the next 3 hours are crucial. They
will be watching closely for any bleeding. It will be at least another hour before we can
see him.
Praying for your family Lezlie... Diego is an amazing kid, you and your family are an inspiration. Blessings to you all!!