Saturday, September 1, 2012

8 East Post-Op Day 4

Saturday, September 1, 2012-the 4th day following the PA band surgery.
Diego woke up around 3:30am, the nurse came in to take vitals and gave him Tylenol and Codeine.  He slept until 7:30am and once he was awake he quickly recognized our pattern for the day would be to eat, drink, walk, lung exercises, vitals, medicine, and repeat. 
We were sent downstairs with Diego and a wheelchair for an x-ray around 9:30am.  The nurse told Diego to walk for as long as he could then he could ride in the wheel chair when he was tired.  After we finished with the x-ray, Cesar and I took Diego outside to the garden for some fresh air.  This was the first time he had been outside in 4 days.

We returned to his room for an EKG at 10:30am and around 10:45-Dr. del Nido stopped by.  He said they will want another echo before being discharged, possibly on Monday.  We will then need to schedule another appointment a few days later to come back in for a check-up/echo before returning home.  The x-ray showed that the bottom of his lungs were still collapsed which meant we needed to aggressively continue with our daily routine of eating, drinking, walking and lung exercises.  By the end of the day, I could see huge strides in Diego’s body functioning independently. He was still struggling with pain, gas and nausea, but he was definitely progressing. 


  1. Message from Carson to Diego:

    "Are you feeling good? I can't wait for you to get home. It feels different when you're not on the soccer field. It would be a lot more fun if you were here. Are you doing any school work yet? Bye. I hope you feel better soon."

  2. Diego, Great to hear about your wonderful progress. Keep moving forward. Looking forward seeing you at Mass. Hugging a pillow will help with coughing, check it out with you nurse and doctor.
    You can Do It.

    God is Great.

    Madalene Parishioner-LM

  3. Ben wants Diego to know that they have the same robe. ;-) Ben was very relived to see Diego up and moving around and wants to know WHEN IS HE COMING HOME??? :-) Praying for you guys every day!!!
